a good book
is hard.


I’ll make it easier for you with book coaching and editing services.

In one way or another, my clients have all told me, “I feel stuck.” 

Perhaps you can relate. Whether you’ve been working on your book for years or are just starting out, one of the best things you can do to help make it easier is to hire a certified book coach to help you write and publish your book.

“A book coach? What’s that?”

We book coaches are like fitness trainers who help you finally make good on your writing goals. And with the help of a great coach, yours won’t just be any book. It will be a book worth reading. One that readers will want to recommend to others for the impact it has had on their lives.

“But I’ve already written my book,” you might object.

Perfect. My team and I can also polish your manuscript through copy editing and proofreading services.